Felicia Joy F. Polecios, @kaaksyon_fjoy BAJ 3A | PublicAksyon Posted on October 7, 2022

Volunteers participating the International Coastal Cleanup Day 2022 on September 17, 2022,
at Manila Baywalk Dolomite Beach. 📷 DENR
In celebration of International Coastal Cleanup Day 2022 with the theme of "Fighting for Trash Free Seas-Pilipinas: Ending the Flow Trash at the Source", 4000 volunteers from national and local government agencies participated the cleanup drive of DENR in Manila Baywalk Dolomite Beach on September 17, 2022.
DENR-MEO (Metropolitan Environment Office) -West OIC Director Rodelina de Villa said that the majority of the garbage collected includes plastic waste, dried water hyacinth, and marine debris. De Villa also mentioned that the DENR Central Office provided 3000 to 4500 trash bags through the Manila Bay Coordinating Office, with the DENR National Capital Region contributing 1500 full trash bags. Other volunteers from national and local government departments and the private sector contributed additional trash bags. "Volunteers from government, private groups, and private individuals came to the Baywalk's coastline with their own garbage bags as well," she stated.
The International Coastal Cleanup Day was instituted under Presidential Proclamation No. 470 in 2003 and is observed annually on the third Saturday of September.
The volunteers in the ICC Day 2022 include the constituents from the Manila City government, Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA), Philippine Army, Philippine Air Force, Philippine National Police (PNP), PNP-Maritime Group, and Philippine Coast Guard, as well as Maynilad Water Services Inc., Manila Water Company Inc., and the Dragon Boat Federation of the Philippines.
The Philippine Coast Guard took part in the celebration of ICC Day which they collected at least 1000 sacks of sea waste and non-biodegradable materials. DENR employees with disabilities and senior citizens also participated to support the event in connection with their activity for the Cerebral Palsy Awareness and Protection Week with the theme of “Where Coastal Cleanup, Special Treats, and Selling of PWDs Eco-Friendly Handicrafts Jam Together."

The Philippine Coast Guard collects coastal waste in anticipation for the International Coastal Cleanup Day on September 17, 2022, at Manila Baywalk Dolomite Beach. 📷 PCG
De Villa said, “However big and daunting the task is, we can make a difference by bringing communities and people together to clean up beaches. Proof of this are organizations and individuals coming together at the Baywalk Dolomite Beach."
The volunteers collected almost 4500 sacks of garbage in Dolomite Beach during the cleanup drive. The DENR-MEO-West released data from the cleanup drive during July 12 and September 14, stating that 147,939 bags of waste were collected. There were also 2224 sacks of marine debris and 83,109 sacks of water hyacinth collected.
Dolomite Beach
International Coastal Cleanup Day
cleanup drive
National and Local Government